
Showing posts from June, 2008

A House By The Sea

J osh and I lived in a large two story house on the bay. It had large glass windows, a big deck, and a jacuzzi on that deck. Our deck was adjacent to our neighbors and during a birthday party for someone, we used their section of deck and the lady of the house came out and asked me to move our party, so we did. We were thinking about buying this boat and the owner let us take it fishing to see if we liked it. We went up an inlet and fished in clear water where I caught a grouper - it was pale yellowish off white and had splotches all over and the texture of its skin was irregular. Marty and Lorrie were with us as we sat on our deck and talked about our new place. A storm came and we watched it topple over one of my neighbors houses. The house swayed side to side and finally all the way over. Our house was fine though, and I remember telling them that storms didn't used to bother me, but I was worried now and I said something else about the long hurricane season ahead.