The Vampire War

I was shopping at Wal-Mart. It was the only place open that time of night in the small town. That's why the whole town seemed to be there. And that's why the vampires chose it as their place of attack.

People were running in all directions. I left the buggy, and dropped whatever I was holding. I knew I couldn't fight, so I was just looking for a place to hide. The doors had already been locked, so no one could get out. I found a flat of window blinds that hadn't been stocked yet - and crawled in between them and covered myself with them. I could hear the screams. The pleas. I waited, holding my breath. Then, some time later, the top box of blinds moved. I froze. I had been waiting so long that the fluorescent lights hurt my eyes. When they focused I could see the vampire staring down at me, smiling; waiting for me to recognize that I had been got. I still couldn't move. I was stuck where I was - knowing that I was too slow for any escape. The vampire's gaze went from sinister to blank and she slid away; her face replaced by that of a man- early 40's maybe, rugged, unshaven, and hardened. He pushed away the boxes that hid me and pulled me to my feet.

The next thing I remembered I was in his apartment - highest floor. He'd let me stay - a full vampire/human war was being fought out there now. The Wal-Mart attack had been an attempt to "recruit". He told me I'd be fine until 7:15 - sunset, and promised to return before then. On the roof was a mirror that faced the back of the apartment - towards the setting sun. That reflection of sunlight bounced off of another mirror on the back patio which faced the front door and windows. An extra 15-20 minutes of sunlight. Right as the sun set, the vampires were already trying to get in. They came to the front door first and were infuriated by the sunlight that still poured throughout the front room. They disappeared to the lower apartment, and I wondered how long I had before they found their way up to the back balcony. Or how much sunlight was left.

A few minutes later and the sun was all gone. They came back to the front door, ever patient. The man who'd saved me bounced in from where? The roof? A window? I'm not sure. But he was armed with a crossbow and the vampires fell quickly. His shots were almost always perfect, but when he did miss the heart, another arrow followed close behind to pierce it. I'm not sure if he used the arrows because it had to be wood that impaled a vampires heart - or because it was simply easier to make sure he hit his mark - it's hard to see where a bullet lands when your target doesn't bleed.


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