June 1, 2013 - Tornadoes

I was riding in a white SUV with Josh, a woman with short or medium blonde hair and her daughter. The blonde woman was driving. In front of our path we saw a massive tornado form, which split into 4 or 5 tornadoes and they were all in our general path and getting closer.
I kept yelling, “Turn Around, Turn Around!” but she ignored me. We raced forward in the SUV, only accelerating. I began to panic, but before we reached the tornadoes, she pulled into a suburban area and stopped the car.
It was her house and we ran to get cover. She opened the door, but as I ran in, they only stood on the front lawn staring at the storms as they approached.  I yelled over and over, “Get inside!"  And they only did at the last minute. The house shook and the windows exploded, leaving glass all over her living room floor. I ran for the hallway. I remember house pets scurrying by me, maybe just one or two.
In this mornings news, I read about Tornadoes that ripped through Oklahoma City, with some fatalities. It happened yesterday during evening rush hour.


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